Algorithm writer - Specification at the meaning level in meaning language - More info x data provided - Can search for predicates and construct predicates - Use commands, grammar commands still - A state machine with parameters - Character breasoner, game - States have state numbers, destination states, types of properties, e.g. no line to it, etc. CTT VPS - API - PayPal, Prolog personal password - pay for three months after a 1-month trial Meaning language - CTT makes sentences grammatical, need separate t2b variant to simplify/put in "The meaning of the first sentence was the same as that of the second sentence" form (already in form from CTT)/expand "and" - CTT helps refine incorrect back-translations - Use grammars to convert these sentences into ontologies - Perform "and" operation manually x use grammars to find, i.e. subject1 and subject2 verb object. - Find C.S. terms "support", "verified" and subjects, objects in their sentences, and then convert to ontologies.